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New to DJ-Extensions?
22 August, 2023
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Our users' websites powered by DJ-Classifieds

22 August, 2023

DJ-Classifieds.is one of the most popular Joomla classified ads extensions available on the market. If you have ever searched for an ad solution for Joomla then you should already be familiar with DJ-Classifieds.

DJ-Classifieds is a flexible and powerful tool, packed with advanced features that allow you to build a beautiful, professional and functional website.

There are many different sites in the world using the DJ-Classifieds component. We recently asked our customers to submit their sites. Our aim was to publish a list containing their web pages.

Below you can see websites, based on DJ-Classifieds, submitted by the extension users.

Examples of DJ-Classifieds powered websites


Animals for Sale


Emploi Senior

Marketplace USA

Muralles Real Estate

Obmen Tovarov

Bed and Breakfast UK

The Equestrian Notice Board

Please note that the list will be extended by a few more websites.


We've provided a compilation of websites that are built on the CMS Joomla platform and use the DJ-Classifieds Joomla classified ads extension.

We strongly believe that DJ-Classifieds deserves serious consideration as the fundamental choice for establishing your classifieds-focused online platform.

The process of developing a Joomla-based advertising website happens more swiftly than one might anticipate.

DJ-Classifieds proves to be suitable even for extensive websites, offering comprehensive control over all aspects. The management of a website and the facilitation of revenue generation have never been this effortless.