Elasticsearch for DJ-Classifieds and DJ-Catalog2
We are delighted to announce that our new business partner - JoomlaGeek - released integration for DJ-Catalog2 and DJ-Classifieds.
JoomlaGeek is a great team of skilled developers who release free and commercial Joomla extensions.
The integration is between latest Geek ElasticSearch component version 2.1.0 and our DJ-Catalog2 Joomla catalog and DJ-Classifieds Joomla ads extension. The new ElasticSearch version supports our both Joomla extensions. We are proud because of this fact.
It's important to inform that Geek ElasticSearch component is a powerful Joomla extension purposed to improve your Joomla website's search results.
It gives you the possibility to search, and analyze data very fast and also comes with many useful features, like an advanced search module, giving you the full control over search form and search results.
That's not all good news! There is a special discount available - now you can benefit from our partnership with JoomlaGeek and get their products with 20% discount. Just use the coupon code: DJEXT20 during checkout.