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New to DJ-Extensions?

An easy trick to bring life to the adverts or products

An easy trick to bring life to the adverts or products

If you're tired of static images in the products or classifieds pages, there's an easy trick to make it dynamic (and I do not mean adding videos).

The effect

Let's start from the final effect, so you know what we are after.

Once you have integrated the extensions and Ken Burns effect is enabled the product or classified ads images will animate and add some more life to the pages.

See the illustrative video how it looks like on DJ-Classifieds example:

How to do it?

Use DJ-MediaTools for that and its built-in Ken Burns effect and animate the static images or pictures in the product or adverts pages.

The animation effect brings more attention and users are more likely to focus on the picture. That makes the whole experience of browsing pages with animated images more pleasant and engaging.

What is Ken Burns effect?

According to Wikipedia:

The Ken Burns effect is a type of panning and zooming effect used in video production from still imagery.

The name derives from extensive use of the technique by American documentarian Ken Burns. The technique, previously known as "animatics", predates his use of it, but his name has become associated with the effect in much the same way as Alfred Hitchcock is associated with the dolly zoom.

The feature enables a widely used technique of embedding still photographs in motion pictures, displayed with slow zooming and panning effects, and fading transitions between frames.

How to do it exactly?

First, you need to create the integration of the component (DJ-Classifieds or DJ-Catalog2) as explained in these tutorials:

Then set the album preferences to one of those layouts that support the Ken Burns effect:

  • the slideshow
  • slideshow with thumbnails
  • tabber
  • modern slider layouts

To use it in your slideshow you just need to go to the Effects tab in the module/album settings and enable it.

dj-mediatoold ken burns effect options

Save the settings.

Now your galleries got a new life!

Note: The Ken Burns effect can be used in all DJ-MediaTools albums, modules, articles.

Video tutorial