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New to DJ-Extensions?


DJ-Suggester installation

Contents: Download package Download the DJ-Suggester from the download section. Install it on Joomla site To install DJ-Suggester on your Joomla site, on top menu choose "Extensions" -> "Manage" -> "Install". In "Upload Package File", choose plg_content_djsuggester-x.x.x.zip file, which we installed earlier.

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DJ-Suggester plugin

Contents: Plugin settings Theme – Choose the theme for DJ-Suggester flyout box. Offset – Set the offset from the bottom of the site to show suggestion box. Zero (0) means that box will be shown when user scrolls the site to the end. Default is 400px. Hide on scroll to top – If set to 'Yes', the DJ-Suggester box will be hidden when user scrolls to the top above the bottom offset. Option 'No' means that the box can be closed only by the user. Show only once - if it's enabled, the flyout box won't be shown again after it's closed by the user. Flyout delay (in seconds) – Set delay...

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Color customizer in DJ-Suggester

DJ-Suggester allows you to customize the look and feel of your box with a suggested content. To do that, go to DJ-Suggester plugin and choose "Custom" as theme. Once you did that, you'll see new options to tweak your colors: You can change colors for: Flyout box background Flyout box text color Flyout box border color Close button background Close button color Close button hover background Close button hover color Suggestion heading text color Item title color Item title hover color Image border color This is how the default suggester box look like: and with few...

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