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DJ-Suggester plugin

Plugin settings

  • Theme – Choose the theme for DJ-Suggester flyout box.
  • Offset – Set the offset from the bottom of the site to show suggestion box. Zero (0) means that box will be shown when user scrolls the site to the end. Default is 400px.
  • Hide on scroll to top – If set to 'Yes', the DJ-Suggester box will be hidden when user scrolls to the top above the bottom offset. Option 'No' means that the box can be closed only by the user.
  • Show only once - if it's enabled, the flyout box won't be shown again after it's closed by the user.
  • Flyout delay (in seconds) – Set delay in seconds to show suggestion when site content is to small to scroll.
  • Menu filter type - you can enable/disable component suggestions for specified menu items.
  • Menu items - select menu items
  • Truncate description - turning on this option will remove or html tags from the description
  • Description length - desc character limit
  • Entrance animation - choose the type from many options available
  • Exit Animation - choose the type from many options available
  • Animation Speed - Normal/Fast/Slow


  • Article Suggestion – Choose if you want to display article suggestions.
  • Follow category – You can choose to suggest item from the same category as current item or from all available items in filtered categories.
  • Order by – Choose the ordering to find suggested item relative to the current one.
  • Category filter type – Choose category filter type.
  • Categories – Select categories from list.
  • Display image – Choose if you want to display image from article.
  • Image width – Pixel width - numeric value (without 'px').
  • Article header text – Header text for component suggestion. If left blank, it will load 'PLG_DJSUGGESTER_HEADER' string from your language file.


  • DJ-Catalog2 Product Suggestion – Choose if you want to display DJ-Catalog2 product suggestions.
  • Follow category – You can choose to suggest item from the same category as current item or from all available items in filtered categories.
  • Order by – Choose the ordering to find suggested item relative to the current one.
  • Category filter type – Choose category filter type.
  • Categories – Enter categories ID.
  • Display image – Display image.
  • Image process – Choose if you want an image to cropped or not.
  • Image width – Pixel width - numeric value (without 'px').
  • Image height – Pixel height - numeric value (without 'px').
  • Product Header text – Header text for component suggestion. If left blank, it will load 'PLG_DJSUGGESTER_HEADER' string from your language file.


  • DJ-Classifieds Ad Suggestion - Enabled / Disabled
  • Follow category - You can choose to suggest the item from the same category as current item or from all available items in filtered categories
  • Follow region - Show adverts only from the current region, if this option is enabled selected regions are ignored
  • Order by - Choose the ordering to find suggested item relative to the current one
  • Source - set the source (All adverts / User adverts / Favourite Adverts)
  • Category filter type - Include / Exclude
  • Categories - Select one or more categories, leave empty to select all
  • Regions - Select one or more regions, leave empty to select all
  • Types - Select one or more types, leave empty to select all
  • ID of Adverts - Only adverts from the list will be shown
  • ID of Users - Only adverts from those users will be shown
  • Only Promoted ads - Choose the promotion
  • Display image - No / Yes
  • Show default image - Show default icon if advert doesn't have an image
  • Only adverts with images - No / Yes
  • Image type - Choose between Small / Medium / Big
  • DJ-Classifieds Ad header text - Header text for the component suggestion


  • K2 Item Suggestion – Choose if you want to display K2 Item suggestions.
  • Follow category – You can choose to suggest item from the same category as current item or from all available items in filtered categories.
  • Order by – Choose the ordering to find suggested item relative to the current one.
  • Category filter type – Choose category filter type.
  • Categories – Choose categories to include/exclude in filter.
  • Display image – Choose if you want to display an image
  • Image size – Choose the image size
  • K2 Item header text – Header text for component suggestion. If left blank, it will load 'PLG_DJSUGGESTER_HEADER' string from your language file.

Modules suggestion settings

  • Module position order - Order of the modules published in dj-suggester plugin position relative to component suggestion
  • Modules style - Code that will wrap modules in dj-suggester plugin module position
  • Custom module position - If enabled, you can add custom module position into flyout box with syntax: {djsuggester modulePosition[|order=(first/last/replace)|style=(none/xhtml/rounded/etc.)]}
  • Custom module position order - Order of the modules published in custom position relative to component suggestion
  • Modules style - Code that will wrap modules in custom module position