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Remember user's details when submitting new advert

This is a real time saver for users!

The administrator can connect user profile fields with Category and Contact fields. This way, fields will be autocompleted with data that do not need to be entered each time users submit ads.

So, in other words: the custom field value filled by the user in his profile details will become the default custom field value when submitting the new advert and it will not be necessary to be filled again.

Exemplary usage:

Create an extra profile field: Facebook FanPage

Create an extra field in contact: Facebook FanPage
*make sure you have selected the profile field you created in the first step in "Default value - profile field"!

Now, when a user submits new advert, the "Facebook FanPage" field will be automatically filled with data provided in the user's profile.

The other solution that can make the user's life easier is the "Copy advert" functionality .