DJ-Classifieds Admin Stats Module
The DJ-Classifieds Admin Stats Module Overview
Check also the Items Statistics module and plugin for DJ Classifieds adverts!
With this module, you can display your classifieds stats in the Joomla backend.
To enable it, go to Content -> Administrator modules and search for DJ-Classifieds admin stats. Then make sure to set module's position to "cpanel"
Row 1
First row has two pie charts for adverts and users. The adverts pie chart has information:
- Awaiting moderation
- Active
- Blocked by users
Users pie chart contains:
- Awaiting verifications
- Verified
- Active
- Inactive
Row 2
In the second row, you can select the period the information will be displayed:
Daily, Monthly, Yearly, or on the selected date. Click "Show" to see the results for the specified timeframe.
Row 3
The second row has the graphs for the:
- Added/expired ads
- Buy Now transactions
- Profit
Tip: You can click on the color rectangle to hide Added or expired ads from the graph:
Row 4
4th row provides the numbers and details for:
- Most popular categories
- Most popular subscription plans (for Subscription Plans App users)
- Most ads per user - here you can see the users with most adverts added
- Most viewed ads - list of ads with the most views
The time range selected in the first row will be reflected in the graphs.
Row 5
5th row gives Basic stats:
- Total ads in DJ-Classifieds
- Active ads
- Active auctions
- Active categories
The time range selected in the first row will be reflected in the graphs.
Row 6
the 6th row gives the stats for added adverts by time range, so adverts submitted:
- today
- in last 24hours
- current week
- last seven days
- current month
- last 30 days
- current year
- in the last 12 months
Module Settings
The DJ-Classifieds Admin Stats module allows for these settings:
- Stats type: Daily // Monthly // Yearly - choose the default state for your stats
- Display only in DJ-Classifieds: With this option selected, if you chose a different position available in DJ-Classifieds, the module will be displayed only in the DJ-Classifieds view.
Rest of the items have the option to be visible or hidden; the list of the available items to show are:
Ads doughnut chart, Users doughnut chart, Total ads, Active ads, Active auctions, Categories, Today, Adverts in last 24h, Adverts in current week, Adverts in last 7 days, Adverts in current month, Adverts in last 30 days, Adverts in current year, Adverts in last year