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DJ-Catalog2 ver. 3.5.7
23 April 2017
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DJ-Catalog2 ver. 3.5.7

26 November, 2021

Updated version of catalog and directory extension for Joomla was just released.

The new version brings new features and fixes.

First of all, this version is fully tested and compatible with Joomla 3.7 ( the Stable version of Joomla 3.7 is planned for 25 of April 2017), so you can be sure all will work fine as the new version is released by Joomla.

In this article you can learn about new functionalities. Click each link below to jump right into details of the explained feature. You can also read the change log to see the complete list of changes and fixes.

Locations functionality - States

One of the new features is "States."

Now each country you use in DJ-Catalog2 can have subregion. Products can be assigned to them as well. So you can widen your locations list by adding more specific locations.

We have added by default all the countries and states that can be found in this database http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/welcome.html, so you do not need to enter them yourself.

To see the available list, in Administrator panel of Joomla, go to Components -> DJ-Catalog2 -> Countries and under each country you'll see the new [states] link.

Under the link, you'll find a complete list of the states for chosen country; you can then easily manipulate them by deleting, editing or adding new states if needed.

When editing the product in the Location tab, you'll notice new field - State where you can assign the product to.

The new field is also available when adding products from the frontend.

Remember Query Cart

The query cart functionality was updated to use cookies. Now even if your user leaves the page - once he's back later the cart is still remembered and can be seen even after closing the browser.

Search by location

When we're on the "locations" topic, there's a new way to filter the products on product listing pages.

When you enable "Location Search" in DJ-Catalog2 -> Options -> Product list tab

Once this feature is enabled you'll see the option to search for products by location as well:

this also includes the radius of the search.

Display products in random order

In addition to modules, you can now also set random order in: 

Global settings of DJ-Catalog2:

And/or override it in menu item:

Better search

There's a new feature in the configuration that lets you decide which attributes should be taken into account when searching for a phrase. Now you can select some attributes to be compared during the search.

This setting can be found in: DJ-Catalog2 -> Options -> Product list tab

Enhanced product pictures / Second image

You can now enable new feature - "Second image."

Once enabled the product image on hover changes to the second picture.

Cart fields

We have added another set of custom fields that can be used in the Query Cart.

The new option can be found under "Cart fields".

The idea of the fields is to let users add some extra details about the items in their Query Cart.

For example, this can be used to allow user leave an extra comment about the product or add other details like when the product should be shipped.

Once in the "Cart fields" area, you can create a new field. As an example I'll create a new extra field - Additional comments - this field will be set as text area - so a customer can leave a comment next to each product.

The extra fields types you can use are:

  • Text
  • Text area
  • Calendar
  • Select
  • Radio
  • Checkbox

Once the new field is saved the user on the front end while adding a product to the Query Cart will see an option to fill these extra fields:

Once the fields were filled, the user needs to click "Update Cart" so the data is stored and then after clicking "Proceed to query form" button he can add the final comment to the whole query and send the query.

The queries are then being stored in DJ-Catalog2 database under "Queries" and also is sent to the email address with all the details.

 A user can also see the details of their query in "My inquiries" section on the front end.

New layouts for Producers module

The "Producers" module got two new layouts that can be used to display more data about the producers. That includes description and image.

By default the module displays producers in select list:

New layout - Grid

To enable that layout, open the DJ-Catalog2 Producers module and set "grid" as Alternative layout and save the module.

Open the Grid Layout tab in the module and you can adjust the output per your needs including a number of columns.

An example of the output:

New layout - list

This layout will display all the producer in regular list:

If you have any questions or thoughts about this update feel free to leave a comment.