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Joomla Subscription Service
22 June, 2024
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How to Create a Subscription Service Using Joomla, DJ-Catalog2 and ACL: A Step-by-Step Guide

22 June, 2024

Creating a subscription service on a Joomla website is simplified with DJ-Catalog2, a robust e-commerce extension. Utilizing Joomla’s Access Control List (ACL), you can easily manage subscription products, providing users with access to exclusive content or services. Follow this step-by-step guide to set up your Joomla subscription service using DJ-Catalog2.

Key Features of DJ-Catalog2 for Subscription Management

Product Types

DJ-Catalog2 supports various product types, including subscriptions. This feature is crucial for offering paid access to content or services, making it ideal for membership sites, online courses, or any service based on recurring payments. Subscriptions can be customized based on duration, such as monthly or yearly access, allowing you to tailor offers to different customer needs.

User Management with ACL

Joomla ACL allows you to create different user groups for subscribers, ensuring that only paying members have access to premium content. You can create multiple subscription levels with unique permissions and access levels, providing a highly customized user experience. This feature is particularly useful for creating membership tiers, where each tier has access to different sets of content or features.

Payment Integration

DJ-Catalog2 integrates with multiple payment gateways, such as PayPal, Stripe, and others. This integration supports both one-time payments and recurring billing, depending on the implemented payment method. Currently, recurring payments are available for PayPal. Recurring billing for Stripe will be available soon.

Automatic Invoicing and Recurring Payments

Automate the invoicing process and set up recurring payments to enhance user convenience and ensure a steady revenue stream. Automated billing reduces administrative burden and provides a seamless experience for subscribers. This feature is crucial for maintaining a stable income stream as it ensures timely collection of fees without manual intervention.

Multilingual and Multicurrency Support

DJ-Catalog2 is designed to support multiple languages and currencies, making it an excellent choice for businesses operating in different markets. Multilingual support allows you to create product descriptions, categories, and other content in various languages, catering to a global audience. The multicurrency feature enables you to set prices in different currencies, ensuring international customers can make payments in their preferred currency.

Setting Up Your Joomla Subscription Service

Installing DJ-Catalog2

Download and Install: Ensure that DJ-Catalog2 is installed on your Joomla site. If not, purchase and download it from the DJ-Catalog2 website. Follow the standard Joomla extension installation process to add it to your site.

Creating User Groups and Permission Levels

In the Joomla admin panel, go to Users > Groups. Create groups for different subscription levels (e.g., Basic, Premium, VIP). These groups will help manage access to various parts of your site based on the user’s subscription level.
Navigate to Users -> Groups and add a new group based on the default "Registered" group.

Joomla - User groups
Joomla - dodawanie grupy użytkownika

Setting Permissions

Define the content and functions each group can access, ensuring only subscribers with the appropriate level have access to premium content. Go to Users > Access Levels to create new access levels and assign the previously created groups.
To do this, go to Users -> Access Levels and add a new level.

Joomla - Adding an access level

Name the new level 

Joomla - access level name

and assign it to the group created in the previous step

Joomla - Assigning group access level

Creating Subscription Products 

Add a new product: In DJ-Catalog2, go to Products > New Product. Add necessary information, descriptions, images, and parameters. Detailed product configuration instructions can be found in our Knowledge Base.

Configure the subscription

In the E-Commerce tab of the product card, select the product type - Subscription.

DJ-Catalog2 Subscription

Define subscription parameters: recurrence, subscription duration (e.g., monthly, yearly), and access level. Assign the subscription to a specific user group. Note that a subscription product can be linked to multiple user groups.

DJ-Catalog2 ustawienie planu subskrypcyjnego

Configuring Payments

  1. Set up payment methods: Go to DJ-Catalog2 > Payment Methods. Configure preferred payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, or others. This setup includes entering API keys or other necessary data to connect your site to the payment gateway.
  2. Enable recurring payments: If your subscriptions require it, ensure that recurring payments are enabled. Typically, this can be done in the payment gateway settings in DJ-Catalog2. Make sure your payment gateway supports recurring payments.
  3. Test payments: Conduct a test transaction to ensure the payment process works smoothly. It is important to test both one-time payments and recurring billing to ensure everything operates as expected.

Setting Up Subscriber Access
Using Joomla ACL

Assign content: Use Joomla’s ACL to assign content to specific user groups created earlier. This ensures that only users with the appropriate access can view premium content. You can do this by navigating to the content item (article, module, etc.) and selecting the appropriate user group in the permissions settings.

The ACL-based solution allows sharing any elements with users of a specific access level. These can be individual Joomla articles, entire categories, or menu items. The key is that all leading and correctly written components use ACL. Thus, you can easily create a site that shares file downloads, access to online courses, media content, and more.

Sharing Content in a Joomla Subscription Service

Organize paid articles at the category level. To do this, go to Articles - Categories and select the category to be accessible only to subscribers. Then set the access for this category.

Dostęp do płatnych artykułów

Similarly, you can apply this to almost all Joomla elements: menu items, single articles, modules.

Sharing Files in a Joomla Subscription Service

We recommend organizing the file section using an additional component. When choosing a component, pay attention to the following features:

  • Collaboration with ACL
  • Protection against direct download

Component settings are usually similar to Joomla categories or individual articles. You will find a wide selection of such components on the Joomla extension site https://extensions.joomla.org/tags/downloads

Benefits of Using DJ-Catalog2
for Joomla Subscription Services

  1. Flexibility: Manage various subscription products, tailoring offers to customer needs. This includes creating different subscription levels and customizing the benefits of each level.
  2. Scalability: Support an unlimited number of products and categories, making it easy to expand the offer. As your business grows, you can easily add new subscription products or categories without any limitations.
  3. User-Friendly: An intuitive panel for administrators and subscribers ensures easy account management, billing history, and renewals. This reduces the burden on technical support and improves the user experience.
  4. SEO Optimization: Built-in SEO tools help optimize your site for search engines, increasing traffic and potential subscribers. DJ-Catalog2 allows you to add meta tags, descriptions, and keywords to products, improving site visibility in search results.
  5. Multilingual and Multicurrency Support: Provide content and payment options in multiple languages and currencies, catering to a global audience. This expands market reach and makes your services accessible to a larger number of users

Automating Invoicing

  1. Set up invoicing: In DJ-Catalog2, go to invoicing settings. Configure the system to automatically send invoices and payment reminders. Automated invoicing helps ensure your subscribers receive billing information and payment reminders on time.
  2. Monitoring: Regularly monitor the invoicing system to ensure it functions correctly. This includes checking that invoices are sent as scheduled and payments are correctly recorded.

Multilingual and Multicurrency Configuration

  1. Multilingual configuration: Ensure your site is set up to support multiple languages. In the Joomla admin panel, go to Extensions > Languages > Installed and add the required languages. DJ-Catalog2 will use these languages for product descriptions and other content.
  2. Multicurrency configuration: Set up multiple currencies in DJ-Catalog2 by going to DJ-Catalog2 > Currencies. Add the currencies you want to support and set exchange rates if necessary. This feature ensures that prices are displayed in the user's local currency, improving their experience and potentially increasing conversions.

Practical Examples of Subscriptions in Joomla

  1. Online Courses: Create subscriptions that provide access to various online courses, ensuring content access only for subscribers. For example, you can offer monthly or yearly subscriptions that provide access to all courses or specific course packages.
  2. Premium Content Sites: Manage subscriptions for blogs or websites with premium articles, restricting access to exclusive content for subscribers. This model is popular in news sites, scientific publications, and niche blogs offering in-depth content.
  3. Consulting Services: Offer subscriptions for regular consultations or guides, ensuring steady income from recurring payments. Subscribers can receive monthly reports, personalized advice, or access to exclusive webinars and resources.
  4. Membership Communities: Build a community around your niche by offering membership subscriptions, providing access to exclusive forums, content, and events. This can include online forums, members-only newsletters, and special events such as live Q&A sessions.
  5. Software as a Service (SaaS): Manage subscriptions for different service levels in a software offering, providing various features and support levels. For example, you can offer basic, professional, and enterprise plans with different features and support levels.

Advanced Features and Customizations

Tiered Pricing

Tiered pricing allows you to set different prices depending on the quantity of products purchased. This is useful for businesses that want to offer discounts for bulk purchases. In DJ-Catalog2, you can set tiered pricing rules in the pricing settings.

Product Variations

Product variations allow you to offer different versions of a subscription product. For example, you can create variations based on access duration (monthly, quarterly, yearly) or access level (basic, premium, VIP). This helps cater to different customer preferences and budgets.

Custom Product Labels and Tags

Custom labels and tags help highlight specific products and make them more visible. You can use labels to indicate special promotions, new products, or bestsellers. Tags help categorize products and improve the search functionality on the site.

Advanced Search and Filtering

DJ-Catalog2 includes advanced search and filtering options, allowing users to quickly and easily find products. You can set filters based on categories, price ranges, subscription durations, and other criteria. This improves the user experience and helps them find the right subscription product for their needs.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Allowing customers to leave reviews and ratings can build trust and credibility for your subscription products. DJ-Catalog2 supports customer reviews, enabling users to share their experiences and provide feedback. Positive reviews can attract more subscribers and help improve your offerings.


DJ-Catalog2 combined with Joomla ACL is a powerful tool for managing subscription services. Its advanced features and flexibility allow for easy customization to meet various business needs, whether you offer premium content, online courses, consulting services, or software subscriptions. Multilingual and multicurrency support further enhances its capabilities, making it suitable for a global audience.

DJ Catalog2 stands out from components like Membership Pro and RS Membership because it allows simultaneous sales of physical products. This enables users to integrate the sale of subscriptions and tangible goods within a single system, increasing convenience and efficiency in managing their offerings.

For more detailed instructions and support, visit the DJ-Catalog2 documentation. Using the power of DJ-Catalog2 and Joomla ACL, you can create a robust and efficient subscription service that meets your users' needs and provides steady revenue for your business.