DJ-Classifieds 3.7 BETA
Today we're presenting the BETA version of DJ-Classifieds 3.7.
This is a major update that brings around 30 new features and fixes.
In the changelog, you will find 47 changes.
In this blog post, I will cover most important changes you should check when preparing for the update.
You are most welcome to read the change log to see the whole list of changes introduced in this version.
I have divided the changes into parts that make it easier to understand what changes affect what parts/features of the component.
- Locations
- SEO improvements
- Adverts enhancements
- Administrator enhancements
- Emails
- Search and filter module
- Other features
Please note that this is a beta version, so besides it is not intended to be used on production sites (do not update it on the live site, please check it in your staging environment or website copy) it can have bugs (this is why the beta version is released to find as much as possible of them). So if any of the features mentioned here does not work good or you have noticed any issues, please let us know.
The stable version will be released within few weeks (2-3) as we gather the feedback about beta version and work with on updating the Classifieds Joomla templates to work with the latest version.
Download DJ-Classifieds BETA 3.7 here.
1. Location/regions modification
1.1 Location module
The significant change in this release is the adjustment of the locations mechanism.
You can now use the location module to let your user remember the chosen location site-wise, now when the location is selected, everything on the site happens to have in mind the chosen location, this can help you build the site similar to Craigslist.
1.2 Location in the URLs
The new SEO settings let you provide the location in the URL, you can set it on the ads list and the advert's URL.
This modification is a change that can drastically improve the SEO of your site.
1.3 New regions list view
To make it even better there's a new Regions view that will allow you to list all the regions used on the site.
1.4 Category Blog and table view with preselected region
You can now create the menu item that will also cover the pre-selected region this way you can create menu items that will display ads from chosen category plus the region.
2. SEO improvements
2.1 Manage robots
One of the suggestions, we got recently referred to better handling the SEO settings of the ads and the lists of the ads.
You can now control the robot's behavior for all ads, particular ads, adverts lists.
The settings can be made globally, in the category settings, including, ad settings and the menu settings.
This feature is meant for situations where users on your site are adding adverts that have copied text from different sites, and you do not want them to hurt your site's SEO with duplicate content.
2.2 OG tags added for user profile page
The open graph tags were now added to the User profile page, so the users' profile image will be visible when profile URL is provided to Facebook.
2.3 Better 404 redirection handling
For wrong advert links and bad category links, you can now set the redirection rules in the settings. You can decide if the bad link will be redirected to Main Adverts page or regular Joomla 404 page.
3. Adverts enhancements
There are some changes applied that allow for better settings for ads view
3.1 Ads submission form
3.1.1 Hide or show Google Map and coordinates on submission form
You can now have three options in the ads submission form when it comes to the exact location of the item.
The new setting gives the opportunity to decide if you want to hide, display the Google Map or show the Google Map along with the fields to enter exact coordinates.
Users still can move the pin on the map to provide the exact location of the item (important when the place is not covered with Google Map when searching).
3.1.2 More flexible captcha settings for guest
Captcha settings in submission form can be now set to All users, Only for guests, No. This way, choosing the "Only for guests" options the captcha form will be displayed only for unregistered users.
3.1.3 Google Maps hints in address field
You can enable the Google Maps auto-completion/suggestions/hits in the submission form, this way users when start typing the location will get the Google Maps suggestions to choose from.
3.2 Advert view
3.2.1 Display advert's modification date
We have added the new parameter that lets you display modification date of the advert.
This data can be shown in two places: in advert's information box and next to the creation date. It can also be turned off of course.
3.2.2 Hide contact details of unregistered users
This feature can help you gather more registered users.
If needed you can hide contact information of the advert creator to unregistered users.
4. Administrator side enhancements
4.1 Improved Users' profiles list
Now the Users profile list displays more useful and actionable information.
You can now see how many points (1) the user has as well as well as a number of the adverts (2).
Clicking on the adverts number will open the new window with filtered adverts list of the user, and similar to that when you click on the points count the new window with User points view, and the filtered user will be displayed for your convenience.
4.2 Used coupons on Payments list
In the "Payments" view you will now see the coupon that was used by the user (if any) during the payment for the adverts submission, renewal, etc. This feature is enabled only when you are using Coupons App for DJ-Classifieds.
4.3 Better handling for large number of ads when using pagination in back-end
Navigating with pagination in the ads list in the administrator panel is now more efficient and faster.
5. Emails enhancements
5.1 Email to user when administrator assigns points for him
When the administrator adds the points manually for the user - he will now get the email. You can find the email template (link do email templates) with ID 22 - Points - user notification about new points
5.2 Email notification for Administrator after advert renewal by a user
When user renews his advert, the Administrator will now receive the email with information about this fact. The email template for this is a new one with ID 29 - Advert renew - Administrator notification
5.3 New email status for "advert_status" tag
Now the tag also operates with Archived state in addition to published/unpublished
6. Search & filter module enhancements
6.1 New horizontal layout
The updated View of the horizontal layout is now fully horizontal :) you can easily place needed filters in one line and with a neat "Advanced Search" button display the additional filters available.
6.2 Option to display categories and regions/locations in one select list
Both regions and categories modules got new feature allowing you display all of them in one select list instead of current way where after selecting one level, the second level appears in the new select list.
Please note that this feature is rather meant for a low number of regions and if you notice it's slowing your website it is recommended to be changed to the previous setting.
The new feature is located in "Type of location/region selection" parameter when selected "Single select."
- Select for each level
- Select list with all the items
7. Smaller features and fixes that are worth mentioning
- Paypal plugin updated with the select list of currencies for more convenience
- if typed, the comma in the price field with the setting for numbers only will be automatically removed for nicer flow
- when integrating DJ-Classifieds with JomSocial or EasySocial, we have added the additional check if the social components are installed and ready to operate
- Improved and simplified design of the images and attachments (with attachments APP) uploader. Now works better on responsive/mobile screens
- Images optimization works now like a breeze with Rasmushit integration. All you need to do to optimize the images is select the adverts where they are located (you can select some or all of them) and click
- If you are using Search Alerts App on your DJ-Classifieds setup, the user's list of saved searches now includes also information about the searched address and post code if used. All of that info is shown in "Location" part of the saved search.
- Distance displayed in blog view - now the distance can be also displayed in blog view in addition to table view where it was possible to be displayed earlier.
Please note that this is a BETA version, so besides it is not intended to be used on production sites (do not update it on the live site, please check it in your staging environment or website copy) it can have bugs (this is why the beta version is released to find as much as possible of them). So if any of the features mentioned here does not work good or you have noticed any issues, please let us know or write a comment below.
The stable version will be released within few weeks (2-3) as we gather the feedback about beta version and work with on updating the Classifieds Joomla templates to work with the latest version.
Download DJ-Classifieds BETA 3.7 here.