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DJ-Classifieds version 3.8.1 introduces a huge number of improvements
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DJ-Classifieds version 3.8.1 introduces a huge number of improvements

26 November, 2021

The latest version of DJ-Classifieds brings many features (37 new features + 44 fixes) you asked for; we're happy we could include them in version 3.8.1.

This version is another step towards the Joomla 4 compatible DJ-Classifieds. Since a couple of versions back, besides the visible changes, fixes, and new features, we also rewrote some of the code of DJ-Classifieds, under the hood to make the future J! 4 updates more seamless. 

DJ-Classifieds can already handle hundreds of categories and thousands of items (adverts), even on weaker hostings. And with each version, the performance, ease of management, and stability rise. We put a lot of effort into preparing the upgrade process from J3 to J4 as smoothly as possible.

Read below to learn the details about DJ-Classifieds 3.8.1

In this article:

10 most important new features

We find these ten new features most significant:

#1 - Option to remove IDs from the urls (SEO improvement)

You can now remove the IDs from DJ-Classifieds URLs to make the URLs nicer and more SEO-friendly.


Let's assume your advert URL is:

When you enable the mentioned feature your URL will look like this: 

There's a new parameter where you can enable this feature; find it in: DJ-Classifieds Options -> SEO Settings -> Remove ID from URL.

Please note: If the Alias is not unique, the IDs will still be present, so you need to be careful with the aliases not to be duplicated.

This feature works for: Items, Categories, Regions/Locations, Profiles.

If you do not see the immediate effect with Regions/Locations, please make sure they have aliases generated using the "Generate Aliases" button on the administrator Regions/Locations page.

#2 - New custom field type - Image [Custom fields improvement]

There's a new custom field type: Image.

You can use the Image field in Categories, Profile, Contact.

This field allows users to upload the image displayed as a custom field in those three areas.

You can restrict the uploaded images by width, height, and maximum weight (in MB) - you can do it separately for each custom field.

It is also possible to display this field in the Items module and blog/table views.

Images uploaded to that field can later be recreated with the "Recreate Images" button on the Items view in the backend.

#3 - User bids View [Auctions improvement]

A new view of User Bids is now available. Using this view, users can see all the Bids they did in the Auctions they took part in.

Users can filter the Auctions by:

  • Auctions they take part in, that are still active,
  • Auctions Won,
  • Auctions that they took part in that ended.

#4 - Regions alias support (with generating aliases option) [SEO improvement]

Regions/Locations now got the Aliases. They are used for the SEF URLs. When you edit the Alias of the region - please remember to use the "Generate aliases" button.

#5 - Regions ordering [backend management enhancement]

Ordering of the regions/locations was added. Use that ordering when displaying categories in the "Category tree" view.

In search module: when there's no order set for the regions - the search module will display the regions in alphabetical order, but when you put the ordering, it will use the set order instead.

It works the same in the Advert submission form - the default ordering is alphabetical until you manually set the order in Locations in DJ-Classifieds backend.

#6 - Redirection management after saving new advert [User workflow improvement]

The redirect after the advert save parameter was added. You can now decide what will happen when users save the new advert. You can provide Itemid or URL in the field.

#7 - 'Wrong advert/category' redirect params improved [SEO improvement]

There's now a better control of what will happen when the advert or category is not present anymore.

The new options are available in DJ-Classifieds Options -> SEO Settings -> Redirects section.

Choose if you want to redirect, in this case, to regular Joomla's 404 pages or custom URL. When you choose "Custom page," you can provide the specific URL or itemID from your Joomla.

#8 - Option to assign promotions to user groups [Promotions improvement]

It's now possible to restrict who can see and use the selected Promotions.

Each promotion has a new option to select the Access for User groups. Use it if you want to provide selected advert upgrades only for selected user groups.

#9 - Separate params for link-type fields ("target", "rel") [Custom fields/SEO improvement]

The link type fields got new parameters: target and rel.

#10 - Multiple email addresses for notifications support [Management improvement]

You can now provide more email addresses for system notifications. Previously only one email address was possible to be used; now, you can specify more users to receive system notifications.

There's also a lot of other improvements in DJ-Classifieds 3.8.1.

Check them listed below. We have grouped them by the function they improve.

Backend management enhancements.

With this update, we put effort into improving administrators' workflows to make the management more accessible and convenient.

New admin category edit layout with params descriptions

We have refreshed the layout of the parameters in Categories edit forms in the backend for better workflow. That includes the main tab (Edit) where the parameters were moved to the right column, Custom fields management, and Images tab.

See how to add a category in DJ-Classifieds

New admin region edit layout with params descriptions

There's an improved layout of Regions in the backend.

Learn more about Locations in DJ-Classifieds

New admin promotion edit layout with params descriptions

There's an improved layout of the parameters in Promotions. Now it's more transparent and in line with other parameters.

Learn more about Promotions durations in DJ-Classifieds

Regions batch processing for parent region

It's possible to batch process multiple regions and assign them to parent regions to go with the Batch feature in Locations/Regions.

How the batch processing works?

Option to recreate category images for all categories

Easily recreate category images when you change their dimensions. Select the Categories and click "Recreate images" to change their look.

How to resize images in DJ-Classifieds

Save as copy region option

The known Joomla feature: Save as copy is now also included in Regions/Locations.

Custom field labels as links

To make management even easier, you can now open the extra field edit form directly when editing the back-end items. Each custom field is now a link. Once you click it, you'll be redirected to this custom field edit form (in the new tab).

Batch changing expiration date in admin items

The batch process as many items as needed and change their expiration date! Just select the items you want to process, click the Batch button, set the expiration date, and all the selected items will get a new expiration date.

Showing 'Alias' column in the admin categories page

New column - Alias added to categories listing page in backend.

See how to order categories

Admin categories filter alias support

You can also use the Alias to search the categories in the backend.

'Chosen' script for select fields in admin batch

We have used the "chosen" script in the "Move to category" field for easier finding the searched categories.

Category tree view ordering option

Previously the items in Category Tree view (on frontend) were automatically ordered by Name. Now there's a new parameter available in DJ-Classifieds options where you can also choose the Ordering option - this way, categories in the Category Tree view will be ordered the same way as in the backend.

Admin categories search filter ID support

Quickly find a category by looking with the ID of it in the backend category view.

Admin fields filter label support

Same way, you can search for custom fields by using the "Label" name of the field.

Default items ordering by distance option

It's now possible to set the default ordering of the items by the Distance (from the user browsing the website to the address provided in the advert/item). You will find this setting in DJ-Classifieds Global options.

Failing image uploader message change with lang const. support

when the image upload script fails (for example, when you have script errors on your website), the message can be now changed and translated with language constant: COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_IMAGE_UPLOADER_ERROR_MSG

Custom fields enhancements

The latest update introduces a lot of changes and novelties in the way custom fields work

Language constants support for custom field's empty value

Empty value of the custom field can be now translated with this language constant: COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_FIELD_EMPTY_VALUE="---"

Language constants as registration field group empty value

Account type got its language constant that you can use for translations: COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_REGISTER_SELECT_GROUP="Select an account type."

Language constants support in custom field labels

It's now possible to use language constants in custom fields labels- this way, you can manage text and the translations of the labels with language override (if you don't want to use Falang - How to use Falang with DJ-Classifieds).

Language constants as an empty value in select list fields

Empty value of the custom field in Add item form can be now translated with this language constant: COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_SELECT_FIELD_EMPTY_VALUE="- Select an option -"

'Visible only for admin/owner' field's param change to 'Viewing access.'

The field parameter that previously was called "Visible for admin/owner" was changed now to the regular "Viewing access" parameter to select who can see the front-end field. Just set the "Viewing access" level for the field, and this field will be visible on the frontend only for users with this access level. Great if you want to show the fields only for registered users or users with a specified Access level.

Please note that when you're using the fields within Profile, you can also select the option "Use in registration" - this way, users will see this field when registering (in the registration form). Combining the mentioned feature with "Viewing Access," you can let users fill the field that will later be visible only for the administrator (for example, if you as an Administrator want to gather some information from the user that will not be later visible for other users browsing the profiles).

Other new features worth mentioning

New 'Profile metadesc' param - view/ profile

You can now improve the SEO by providing the source of the text for meta description for Profiles. The new parameter can be found in: DJ-Classifieds Options -> SEO Settings -> Meta tags section -> Profile metadesc. You can choose the source field that will be used for meta description.

RenderModule global wrapper method

Developers can now easily add module positions in all of the DJ-Classifieds views.

Exemplary code:

<?php echo DJClassifiedsHtml::renderModule('djcf-custom-module-position'); ?>

Params to disable profile img in profile edit/registration views

There are now new parameters responsible for using the Profile Image in profiles and edit/registration view. Previously you could not hide those fields; now, it's possible to decide if you use them or not.

Uploaded image preview in profile edit/registration

The profile image preview was updated for an instant preview.

How to add User Profile Picture to user's profile in DJ-Classifieds

Group name as the class in item/profile field wrapper

Custom field groups got now an additional feature that can be used on the frontend. From now on, each custom field that is assigned to a Fields Group gets the CSS class that can be used for styling.

See the example: 
In this case. Two fields: Year and Millage, were assigned to the "Important fields" group.

As you can see in the console, both of these fields got a new class: group_Important-fields.

See how the field groups for DJ-Classifieds work

Along with the DJ-Classifieds 3.8.1 release, we've also updated:

Did you know? DJ-Notifications works perfectly with DJ-Classifieds too! Install this free plugin to please your users with super sharp and clear notifications. 

More information about the latest update:

Get DJ-Classifieds - starting from $67

DJ-Classifieds deals

Check those Deals that include DJ-Classifieds that you can benefit from right away:

  1. Unlimited Plan is available for $199 only! - Take advantage of a great deal and purchase all premium Joomla extensions with unlimited license keys at a discount price!
  2. 30% discount - Enrich your DJ-Classifieds arsenal with these Joomla extensions at a special price

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