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[BETA RELEASE] DJ-Classifieds updated with user Profile contact form and extended Export feature
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[BETA RELEASE] DJ-Classifieds updated with user Profile contact form and extended Export feature

26 November, 2021

We're providing the new beta version of our classifieds script to your hands, so you can check what's new and tell us if all works fine and what should be polished. It is not a complete release, and we have at least one new feature on the list that is not in this version included but will be added in the stable release.

What was added in the latest 3.7.4 Beta version? See the list of new features.

Export to XML file (GDPR related)

  • Export profile - In the profiles view, each row has a button responsible for export, after pressing in the system message a download link is given. This feature allows you to export user profile data according to the GDPR policy.

  • Export items - there is a one "export" button responsible for the export of ads marked on the list, filtered or all.

Learn more about this feature here.

Autocomplete source

Component users can choose the source for the input hints (adverts, regions, categories) in the "Search module." Selected sources can be freely combined. Previously there was no such possibility and suggestions were displayed from all available sources.

In the Joomla backend go to Extensions->Modules and find "DJClassifieds Search" module using Filter.

Open the module and find the "Autocomplete source" option. 

Max adverts per minute/ hour/ day

We have added the new option that can be useful if you're dealing with users that are overusing your classifieds website. The available settings let you set the limit of ads that can be submitted. The available options include limits per 5 minutes.

When the limit is reached, the user is redirected to the home page with the suitable message.

Clear (delete) user profile (GDPR related)

In the administration section of user profiles, there is a new “Clear data” button. You can select a few at once and clear their data.

IMPORTANT: If you want to use the "Clear data" feature, you need to delete adverts before clearing user profile.

This feature allows you to clear the profile according to the GDPR policy.

Contact form in user Profile

In the profile view, there is now a contact form available.

You can easily enable it in the global parameters. Open the DJ-Classifieds component in the Joomla back-end. Choose "Options," navigate to "Views" tabs and scroll down to "Advert view" section. You will find this option there.

There is a new email template responsible for sending this form (ID 34).

Learn more about this feature here.

Possibility to assign selected custom fields to all subcategories

In "Custom fields" tab of category edit form, you can assign to all subcategories selected custom fields.

Possibility to use differently than default TinyMCE WYSWIG editor for description.

TinyMCE WYSWIG editor in description parameter was extended to "Default Joomla editor" which allows you to use on the front not only TinyMCE but all Joomla editors for example JCE.

IMPORTANT: Please remember about proper configuration of the used editor as editors allow you to upload files and modify Joomla structure, what can be dangerous for website security.

WhatsApp field Automatic link generation

Now you can use WhatsApp field which will be automatically changed to suitable link.

Just add word WhatsApp to "name" of the field.

It's good to restrict this field to "only numbers" and enable "Show value on click."

Other new features:

  • Removed restriction that at least one duration have to be assigned to all categories.
  • Including subcategories in the "selected category" of DJ-Classifieds Items module.
  • Including subcategories in the "selected category" of DJ-Classifieds Maps module.
  • Possibility to select types of adverts in the Maps module and display only chosen types of ads.
  • New tag [[purchase_details]] available in "Buynow - buyer notification email"
  • Remember selected duration after category change in advert submission form

The latest DJ-Classifieds update also brings some fixes. Most important are:

  • Resolved issue with "helper" notifications in the Items module.
  • Resolved issue with Deprecated notification about function for article links generator.
  • Resolved currency issue -  when the price is used as a custom field it always shows on right side of the price field.
  • Resolved issue with missing DS declaration in DJClassifiedsSEO library.
  • Resolved issue with "Drive Directions" in advert details.
  • Resolved issue with fields types input box, text area, the date displayed as a label translation.

More about this update

Please note that this is a BETA version, so besides it is not intended to be used on production sites (do not update it on the live site, please check it in your staging environment or website copy) it can have bugs (this is why the beta version is released to find as much as possible of them). So if any of the features mentioned here does not work good or you have noticed any issues, please let us know via our helpdesk or write a comment below.
The stable version will be released within a few weeks (2-3).
Download DJ-Classifieds BETA 3.7.4 here.