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Updated DJ-Classifieds 3.7.5 with new features and new Quickstart
21 October 2018
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Updated DJ-Classifieds 3.7.5 with new features and new Quickstart

26 November, 2021

DJ-Classifieds 3.7.5 just arrived. You can update your installations right away.

This version brings three new features and one minor fix. We have also added new Quickstart package.

We're also introducing new layout for MyOffers template and classified ads solution for WordPress!

Updated calendar field script for custom field

We have updated the field to use the newer date picker script introduced in version 3.7 of Joomla!

This change affects the visualization of the date picker, so it looks nicer.

You can learn more about the new script we have used in the Joomla! Magazine.

With the updated script we're keeping consistency with our other extensions that use calendar type field.

Possibility to define custom return urls in the PayPal plugin

This is a neat little feature. Now, in the PayPal payment plugin, you can set the return URLs for successful and canceled return URLs.

By default, the user returns to the list of adverts and see the notification about the status of the payment (success or cancel).

When you use the fields in the plugin, you decide where users get back after the payment.

For example, you may want to have a "thank you page" for the payment created as a regular article and leave the instructions on how to contact you to get the invoice.

Added support for latest DJ-Reviews

Recently our review and rating extension was updated with a significant update and rewritten code. We also had to upgrade some parts of DJ-Classifieds so both can go nicely hand in hand every time.

Check useful links for this update

New Quickstart

We have also added a new Quickstart package for DJ-Classifieds. We have used Joomla-Monster's template with dedicated styling for DJ-Classifieds.

The style of this complete classified ads, a responsive website is clear and readable and easy to use out of the box when you do some tweaking per your needs.

See the demo

All active subscribers of the plans with quickstarts can download the quickstart from the downloads section.

If you're the active subscriber of DJ-Classifieds (any plan) and want to get access to the Quickstarts (currently two versions are available), contact us so we can arrange that (cost is only $50 for two Quickstarts).

New layout for MyOffers template from Joomla-Monster

Joomla-Monster team has updated one of the bestselling templates - MyOffers.

The front-end is completely rearranged, instead of masonry blog and lazy loading for classified ads we displayed several sections that customers usually do on their classifieds websites: categories with icons, advertising banners and recently added ads. In the header area, we've added the eye-catching background and, website and classifieds search. Doesn't it look awesome?

If you want to get the template, you will also get the subscriptions for all extensions that were used in it + 2 quickstarts for both versions that you can see on the demo.

Click here to see both demo sites

You can get MyOffers Joomla template with 2 Quickstarts, premium extensions subscriptions (DJ-Classifieds + AJAX App, DJ-MediaTools, DJ-MegaMenu, DJ-Reviews), premium 1:1 support for $204 only. Learn more.

Classified ads with WordPress?

Yes, our sister brand - Pixelemu have introduced the Alpha version of classified ads plugin for WordPress called TerraClassifieds. Along with it, you can also download free classifieds WordPress theme with the plugin installed. 

Discover TerraClassifieds Wordpress Classified ads plugin and theme

As mentioned, it is an Alpha release - if you're using WordPress in your work - check it out and leave the feedback for Pixelemu team.

More about this update

Options to get DJ-Classifieds with the Quickstarts:

DJ-Classifieds Demo quickstart is currently also included at the All extensions bundle ( DJ-Classifieds (+all Apps) + DJ-Catalog2 + DJ-MediaTools + DJ-MegaMenu + DJ-Reviews + DJ-Tabs + DJ-Flyer + DJ-Suggester + DJ-CookieMonster + DJ-Messages) in the:

  • MINI plan (6 months subscription worth $245)
  • PLUS plan (12 months subscription worth $340).