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Joomla tabs - DJ-Tabs 2.1 with new item type: "Custom Text/ HTML" and fixes
30 July 2021
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Joomla tabs - DJ-Tabs 2.1 with new item type: "Custom Text/ HTML" and fixes

26 November, 2021

Joomla content tabs extension 2.1 update brings new 'Custom Text/HTML' item type, bug fix, and more improvements.

New feature

DJ-Tabs users can now choose a new type of item: "Custom Text/ HTML."

With this item type, it is possible now to create the content inside the tab. Helpful if you do not want to display the article or module inside the tab and add the content directly in the tab.


In version 2.0, when using the DJ-Tabs module, such a message may have appeared: "COM_DJTABS_ARTICLE_NO_LONGER_PUBLISHED."

The latest extension update fixes this bug, and that message will no longer be visible.

Other changes in DJ-Tabs 2.1 

  • scroll to accordion-item
  • JHtml::_('bootstrap.tooltip') Joomla 4 
  • tabs width calc CSS conflict
  • iframe reload after tab show
  • layouts override option improvements
  • .full-width class name change to avoid conflicts

Check the complete changelog for DJ-Tabs 2.1

Check the DJ-Tabs Demo 

You should take a look at the DJ-Tabs demo site, which shows different configurations possible to achieve along with the DJ-Tabs component.

Use the built-in theme selector to see how the particular layouts will look like with different built-in themes (available with DJ-Tabs extension.) You can also create your own themes and modify existing ones to fit your website.

Explore DJ-Tabs demo page

Interested in getting DJ-Tabs?

You can buy DJ-Tabs as a single extension subscription or in the bundle.

Get DJ-Tabs - starting from $27

More details about DJ-Tabs 2.1 

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