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The Month of September in Summary
As the crisp autumn breeze rustles the leaves and we bid farewell to the fading days of September, it's time to reflect on the whirlwind of activity that swept through our company.
With nine insightful blog posts, we chronicled the month's events, updates, product releases, and captivating case studies. It was indeed a month filled with hard work, innovation, and growth. Join us as we revisit the highlights of September 2023 in our "Month in Review" blog post, and discover the stories that shaped our journey.
[Update] eCommerce Joomla 4.x Quickstart Websites
We've updated all eCommerce templates for Joomla 4.x. Our offer includes four eCommerce template products, each comes now with the new version 1.3.
The update includes the integration of the latest Joomla 4.x version, YOOtheme Pro, in addition to bundled extensions and language packs.
DJ-Catalog2 Integrator Plugin Version 1.8.14
We've updated the DJ-Catalog2 Integrator plugin. The latest version 1.8.14 brings few bug fixes and one change: added extra fields as dynamic content's Product attributes.
DJ-jQueryMonster Plugin with the Joomla 4.x Compatibility
DJ-jQueryMonster, the free Joomla plugin that resolves the conflicts with jQuery is now compatible with Joomla 4.x and available for free download.
[Update] DJ-MediaTools 2.17.6 - PHP 8.1/8.2 Compatibility Fixes
DJ-MediaTools 2.17.6 is an important update that resolves issues related to the PHP 8.1 and 8.2. deprecated warning and errors.
Case study: DJ-EcoFood - eCommerce Solution for Joomla & WordPress
Discover DJ-EcoFood's key features, an eCommerce solution tailored for organic food businesses. Whether you prefer Joomla or WordPress, DJ-EcoFood offers quickstart solutions for both, ensuring a seamless online shopping experience
Upgrade Joomla 3.x to 4.x
Joomla 3 series is officially end of life since August 17, 2023. No further security releases will be made. You should already be planning your migration to Joomla 4, especially since Joomla 5 is scheduled for release in October 2023.
[Update] DJ-MegaMenu Version 4.3.7
DJ-MegaMenu version 4.3.7 reolves the issue with warnings related to PHP 8.1/8.2. The same issue was related to DJ-MegaMenu Light and it has been also resolved
DJ-Classifieds Light Release: a Free Version of Joomla Classified Ads Extension!
We've introduced DJ-Classifieds Light, a fantastic opportunity for Joomla users to experience the world of classified ads without spending a dime. DJ-Classifieds Light is a free, limited version of our highly acclaimed Joomla classified ads extension, DJ-Classifieds.
Case study: DJ-Electronics- eCommerce Solution for Joomla & WordPress
Meet DJ-Electronics and it's key features. It's the eCommerce solution tailored for an electronics store. Whether you prefer Joomla or WordPress, DJ-Electronics offers quickstart solutions for both, ensuring a seamless online shopping experience