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dj-megamenu update to version 3.4.5
26 November, 2021
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DJ-MegaMenu 3.4.5 Update

26 November, 2021

Check what’s new in DJ-MegaMenu 3.4.5. This update is available for free and pro versions of this great mega menu module and plugins for Joomla. We’ve added the option to use transparency in the submenu, improved the Tree type view, made it faster by changing image icons to vectors/CSS, and fixed some issues reported by users.

Transparency / Opacity / RGBA [PRO Version]

One of the things you may find interesting in this update is the added option for transparent colors of every element you can set the colors to.  With this update, you can start using opacity in the colors you choose when using Color Customizer. All colors are now being automatically transformed to the RGBA color model so you can add the transparency/opacity with an extra alpha channel.

The color picker now has an extra slider so you can use it to select the opacity amount.

Additional Scroll in Mobile Submenu [Free/PRO Version]

We’ve added a neat feature that is helpful when you have many submenus in the mobile menu. Now the new scroll will appear when accessing such sub-menu making it easy to navigate through the big menu structure.

Arrows as Font Awesome / CSS [Free/PRO Version]

The arrows are now made with font awesome/CSS so no more images. It’s a little thing that makes it all more consistent + makes the module loads a little faster.

dj-megamenu arrows as fontawesome

Tree Menu Type Enhanced [Free/PRO Version]

The tree menu type was updated to provide a clearer view of the menu items. This menu type is usually used to display complex menu structures, but can fit also simple ones. You can enable it for every parent menu item in the DJ-MegaMenu Options tab in the menu item:

dj-megamenu type enhanced

The Update Brings this Changes in Tree Menu Type:

  • more clear font size
  • the whole submenu area is now clickable
  • the arrows (also font awesome/CSS) now point down when in tree menu mode
dj-megamenu tree menu type

What Else?

  • Localhost/Windows machines issues with Themes fixed - due to the known bug in Joomla 3.6 there were problems with choosing the themes in DJ-MegaMenu options. To fix it we created our field here instead of using the core Joomla one.
  • Submenu hidden on desktop when set to be displayed only on mobile - we’ve fixed this feature making it nicely hidden now on desktop browsers when set to be displayed only on mobile.
  • Size calculation of slideshow/galleries inside submenu - now the system calculates the needed width on-fly so the galleries and slideshows adapt now easily to submenus.

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