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Joomla SEO

Mastering SEO: A Comprehensive Guide to Optimizing Your Joomla Website

21 June, 2024

In the competitive digital landscape, mastering SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential for driving traffic, improving visibility, and ultimately achieving business success. For Joomla websites, this involves a combination of using specific SEO components, and extensions and adhering to best practices outlined in articles like this or any SEO documentation. This comprehensive guide will delve into the critical aspects of Joomla SEO, including titles and page descriptions, content creation, metadata, and optimization using relevant SEO extensions.

Search engine optimization documentation - discover good SEO practices

Google’s Webmaster Guidelines provide essential recommendations to help your website rank better in search results. They cover topics such as creating valuable content, ensuring a mobile-friendly experience, and optimizing site structure. For more details, visit the Google Webmaster Guidelines.

Improve your Joomla SEO with proper titles and page descriptions

The importance of titles and page descriptions cannot be overstated in Joomla SEO optimization. They serve as the first point of contact between your content and potential visitors on search engines. Ensuring these elements are optimized involves:

  • Optimal Length: Titles should be around 60 characters and descriptions about 160 characters. This length fits well within search engine display limits, preventing truncation.
  • Verification Tools: Utilize tools like the Spotibo SERP Preview Tool to verify the length and effectiveness of your titles and descriptions. This tool helps simulate how your meta tags will appear in search results, especially that Google converts the length to pixels, so using such a tool is a must to check if your texts really fit.
  • Content and Keywords: Titles and descriptions must incorporate relevant keywords naturally and be engaging enough to attract clicks. Avoid keyword stuffing and ensure they provide a clear and enticing overview of the page content.

Guidelines for Joomla seo optimisation in articles and categories

Creating SEO-friendly articles involves a meticulous approach to content creation and categorization in Joomla:

  • Unique Meta tags: Each article and category must have unique title and description meta tags that reflect the content accurately and incorporate relevant keywords.
  • Consistency and Relevance: Meta tags should be consistent with the article’s content and unique across all site elements. Repetition can lead to confusion and lower search rankings.
  • Keyword Research: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, or Semrush to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords. Focus on long-tail keywords for better specificity and easier ranking and generally to improve your Joomla SEO optimization.

Adding Meta Data to Content for better Joomla SEO


In the Joomla backend, go to Content -> Categories and edit the selected category. The meta tag "title" is the same as the category title. The meta tag "description" must be entered as presented on the graphic below:

Adding meta description for Joomla category


In the Joomla backend, go to Content -> Articles and edit the selected article. The meta tag "title" is the same as the article title. However, if you want to change the meta title of the article without changing the article title, there is an option in Joomla. Simply assign the article to a specific menu item. In such a case, the meta title will be inherited from the menu item title.

The meta tag "description" must be entered as presented on the graphic below:

Adding meta description for Joomla article

NOTE: Many Joomla administrators set the meta description only in "Global configuration" for the entire website without knowing that it is inherited by categories and articles if their meta descriptions are empty. This causes duplicate meta descriptions across multiple pages. Each subpage must have its own unique meta description!

Content Creation for Joomla Articles: Joomla SEO Optimisation Tips

High-quality content is the cornerstone of effective SEO for Joomla websites. Follow these guidelines to create compelling and SEO-friendly articles:

  • Audience-Focused Writing: Understand your audience’s needs and preferences. Review competing articles and reader comments to identify common questions and issues. Aim to address these more comprehensively than your competitors.
  • Originality and Uniqueness: Ensure all content is original to avoid duplicate content penalties from Google. Use plagiarism checkers to verify originality. Nowadays, the usage of AI is also worth mentioning. Remember that AI models are fed with content from the internet. Additionally, many people are using AI to generate their articles, so it is likely that if your article is fully written by AI, it will have a high plagiarism score.
  • Visual Elements: Images should have descriptive ALT tags and filenames without special characters or spaces. Here is where to add it for the intro and full article images:
Adding alt text to Joomla article images

Also, images added within the article text should have the alt texts. In Joomla editor, you can add images in 2 ways: from the add image button, then this is where you add the alt:

Adding alt text to Joomla content image

Alternatively, using CMS content menu:

Adding image to Joomla article

Then, alt text can be added after selecting a specific image:

Adding alt text to Joomla content image

The recommended width for blog images is dependant on the layout but shouldn't be wider than the layout elements to ensure fast loading times and optimal display. For example, 400px for the intro image and 900px for the full article image.

Optimize your headings and meta descriptions for better SEO

Headings and meta descriptions play a vital role in SEO for Joomla:

  • Headings (H1, H2, H3): Use headings to structure your content into digestible sections. Your main keyword should be included in the H1 tag, and subheadings should help break down the content logically.
  • Meta Descriptions: While not a direct ranking factor, meta descriptions significantly impact click-through rates (CTR). They should be concise, keyword-rich, and enticing to encourage clicks.

Remember: H1 tags must be unique and cannot be repeated on multiple pages.

Structuring and organizing Joomla content

A well-structured article enhances readability and SEO performance:

  • Use of Headings: H1 usually is used for article or category title or for the page title set in the menu item. The proper display of this element, however, depends on the correct structure of the website template. Organize rest of the content using H2 and H3 headings to create a logical flow. This helps both readers and search engines understand your content structure.
  • Engagement Tools: Incorporate bulleted lists, short paragraphs, and visuals to enhance readability and engagement.

Internal and external linking

Effective linking strategies are crucial for SEO:

  • Internal Linking: Use internal links to guide visitors through your site and distribute SEO value across pages. Ensure the anchor text is descriptive and relevant.
  • External Linking: Link to authoritative sources to boost your content’s credibility. Avoid excessive linking, as it can dilute the value of your links.

Content updates

Regularly updating content keeps it relevant and improves its SEO value:

  • Fresh Information: Update articles with new information, statistics, and insights to maintain their relevance.
  • SEO Refinements: Periodically review and improve older articles to enhance their search rankings.

Metadata for other Joomla pages improves SEO

SEO extends beyond articles pages in Joomla. The meta tags for the other pages - including the aggregation pages - are set by the menu items.

  • Set title and description meta tags for each menu item to enhance the SEO of aggregation pages and other non-article content.

Navigate to the menu (example: Main Menu). Then select an item from the list:

Joomla menu items

Under the "Page Display" tab, set the meta title tag

Adding page title in Joomla menu item

And then under the "Metadata" tab, set the meta description tag

Adding page meta description in Joomla

Repeat the operation for all menu items.

Rich snippets data in service of Joomla SEO

Rich snippets enhance search results by providing additional information directly in the search engine listing.

Properly configure rich snippets data for individual articles to improve visibility and click-through rates. This can be set in the article directly:

Joomla article schema type

Another method for adding them could be 3rd party seo components like Google Structured Data from Tassos. You can set up there the automatic snippets for entire groups of content, such as products in DJ-Catalog2 or listings in DJ-Classifieds.

Use SEO extensions to improve your website optimization

There are many seo components that can help with your Joomla website optimization. We would like to mention two of them:

Both have handy options on board.


It offers tools to manage and improve Joomla SEO efforts, including features like keyword management, meta tag generation, sitemap creation, and SEO performance tracking.

Thanks to the user-friendly interface, there is a nice all pages view, where you can easily update, for example, missing meta titles for specific pages:

RSSEO component pages view

It is also possible to fill in all rich snippets data for the site, by simply going to components -> RSSEO -> Rich snippets and filling in all the tabs:

RSSEO Joomla component rich snippets


Another beneficial Joomla seo component is the 4SEO. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools for on-page SEO optimization, including automated meta tag generation, schema markup, keyword management, and content analysis.

One of the great things about this tool is that, on the pages view, it shows basic page speed metrics:

4SEO backend view

It also allows simple meta title and description edition from the front end, by simply clicking a button on the page you want to edit:

4SEO Joomla component front-end button

And typing in meta title and description:

4SEO Joomla component front-end submission

Other Joomla SEO optimization aspects

Technical aspects of SEO are crucial for performance and user experience:

  • PageSpeed Insights: Optimize page loading times using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights. Fast loading times improve user experience and search rankings. PageSpeed Insights uses such metrics as:
Pagespeed insights results

It is worth mentioning that, except for the loading times, page speed insights measures also the website accessibility. It is essential as website accessibility started to be the part of the SEO, not just good practice or obligation for the public institutions.


Joomla SEO and SEO in general is a multifaceted discipline that requires attention to detail, continuous learning, and adaptation to evolving search engine algorithms. By following these comprehensive guidelines tailored for Joomla websites, you can significantly improve your website’s visibility, drive more traffic, and achieve higher search engine rankings. Remember, effective SEO is not just about pleasing search engines but also providing valuable, engaging, and accessible content for your audience.