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10 most popular DJ-Classifieds tutorials
26 November 2021
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10 most popular DJ-Classifieds tutorials

26 November, 2021

Faq articles are the vital part of many sites, the same applies to DJ-Extensions website.

This type of articles allows us to make commonly asked questions accessible. We publish FAQ articles because we want to make our customers and extensions user’s life much easier.

Let’s focus on our Joomla classifieds component. At the moment we have a huge collection of over 100 FAQ articles about DJ-Classifieds. Among all the articles about popular classifieds ads extension, here are the 10 selected that drew the most attention.

How to place a banner/Ad sense into DJ-Classifieds

DJ-Classifieds has built-in module positions where you can put advertisements banners. Our article explains how to check what module position works for the particular page and how to add the modules.

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How to add User Profile Picture to user's profile in DJ-Classifieds

Our article shows how to allow users to set their own profile images. You can learn how to configure the "DJ-Classifieds User Menu" Module and add the profile picture.

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How to change "Add new advert" or any other text in DJ-Classifieds

There is a built-in Joomla solution that allows changing any text on the site. The same applies to DJ-Classifieds extension. We explain how to change a title inside the component like: "Your Adverts" or "Add new advert".

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How to add new extra field in DJ-Classifieds

It's very easy to add a new custom field to a DJ-Classifieds. Follow the instructions from the article and learn how to manage “extra fields”.

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How to automatically post new ads to Facebook Pages

This tutorial explains how to setup DJ-Classifieds along with IFTTT. It will allow to auto post ads to Facebook Pages. You will learn how to enable the RSS Feed option in DJ-Classifieds and how to setup the IFTTT account.

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How to use themes

You can use the theme to override the DJ-Classifieds component view. This tutorial article explains how to create and use themes folder.

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How to use Price and Contact fields as custom fields and use it only on several categories

This tutorial show how to use Price and Contact fields as custom fields. You can also learn how to use them only in several categories.

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How to add custom fields to user profile in DJ-Classifieds

Learn how to add extra fields to DJ-Classifieds User's Profile. You can see how to create an extra field, how to use the settings and check the final effect when updating the user’s profile.

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How to set a default search for all values in custom field

DJ-Classifieds users can find the items using predefined filters for custom fields or search them using all custom fields. Our article explains how to set it.

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How to order categories

Ordering categories in DJ-Classifieds is an easy task. Our tutorial explains how to do this. You can also watch the video tutorial included.

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We hope that our FAQ articles are useful for you. If you are a DJ-Classifieds user for sure you will find something interesting for you, something that will resolve your issues and help you find answers to your questions. If you have any suggestions about the tutorials we could write to make your life easier, let us know in comments.