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New to DJ-Extensions?
New bundle premiere - DJ-Classifieds essentials!
04 September 2018
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New bundle premiere - DJ-Classifieds essentials!

26 November, 2021

It’s time to introduce the new extensions bundle, added with our customers in mind.

This bundle is a robust set of four Joomla extensions: DJ-Classifieds, DJ-Suggester, DJ-Reviews, and DJ-MediaTools. Additionally, it includes all DJ-Classifieds Apps!

The fact that we have created such a bundle is no an incident. This way we would like to meet the expectations of our extensions users because the selection of extensions for Joomla is entirely aware and planned.

How? Selected extensions can work well together, some of them are fully integrated with others, and this gives you a wide range of features for the website.

Let’s start with short information about included extensions:

Click here to see the bundle options

Now let's focus on how the mentioned Joomla extensions can work together.

DJ-Classifieds + DJ-Suggester

You can set DJ-Suggester plugin to display DJ-Classifieds ads suggestions.

This way the DJ-Suggester's Flyout box can handle DJ-Classifieds items.

The choice is between showing off the box with the suggested item from the same category as the current item or all available items in filtered categories.

You can also show only adverts from the current region if this option is enabled selected areas are ignored.

Learn more about possible configure options for this integration.

DJ-Classifieds + DJ-MediaTools

There are two ways how you can integrate both extensions.

#1 - You can use DJ-Classifieds ads as a source of DJ-MediaTools Albums - this way DJ-MediaTools will pull and later display (with one of the available layouts) items from DJ-Classifieds as a gallery or slideshow. There are multiple criteria available for filtering the items from DJ-Classifieds. For example:

Promoted adverts (those that were published with a paid promotion in DJ-Classifieds), All adverts (for example the latest adverts), User adverts, Favourite Adverts, Recently viewed adverts and currently browsed author adverts. It's also possible to select categories, regions or types. You can tweak the settings to display those ads that are needed in a particular place (main header, sidebar, inside content, etc)

See the possible options of the DJ-Classifieds and DJ-MediaTools configuration.

#2 - You can use DJ-MediaTools galleries/layouts inside DJ-Classifieds advert. This brings the whole new way of displaying the galleries for the advert. With this integration, you can change the way the images in the advert are shown by using one of the available DJ-MediaTools layouts. Change it to the slider, gallery grid, masonry or another layout to fit your website's look and feel.

Learn how to display galleries in DJ-Classifieds adverts with DJ-MediaTools layouts.

DJ-Classifieds + DJ-Reviews

This integration allows users to rate DJ-Classifieds ads and user's profiles.

Assuming you already have a classified ads website built on DJ-Classifieds, you can quickly add the rating/reviews functionality to it by installing and enabling DJ-Reviews features.

See how to use DJ-Reviews with DJ-Classifieds.

DJ-Classifieds + All Apps

Within this plan, you will also get All available Apps for DJ-Classifieds to make it even more flexible. The most popular Apps are Multicategories, Subscription Plans, Bad Words, Ajax Search. Check all available Apps for DJ-Classifieds.

Check the selected bundle below, or play with the bundle selector to find something else