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16 September, 2022
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One of the best classifieds script for Joomla!

DJ-Classifieds version 3.9.2 Brings Many New Features and Changes

16 September, 2022

DJ-Classifieds version 3.9.2. with the update, continue to improve the Joomla classified ads extension. The latest update comes with new features and improvements. Let's take a look.

We want to remind you that the DJ-Classifieds component has been fully compatible with Joomla 4 for some time now.

All active DJ-Classifieds extension subscribers can download and use the latest version 3.9.2 stable.

New Features

'Use in Word Search' Field Option

Text custom fields can now be set to be searchable using the Search module's main input text field, without the need to show their field in the Search module.

dj-classifieds word serach field

'Sortable' Field Option

It's now possible to sort by custom fields on the list. To do it, set the field to be displayed in the chosen items layout (classic table/smart table/blog) and enable the new 'Sortable' option.

dj-classifieds sortable field

'Search Placeholder' Field Option

Another new parameter available in the admin Field Edit page, is for defining placeholders for custom fields displayed in the Search module (additionally to custom fields placeholders used in the Post Ad form).

dj-classifieds search placeholder

'Search by Whole Words Only' Option

A new parameter in DJ-Classifieds Options -> Global allows showing items only with the exact searched-for word.

joomla classifieds script search by whole words only

'Map Provider' Disabled

The 'Map Provider' parameter is no longer locked on the "Google" or "Leaflet (OpenStreetMaps)" (if the corresponding plugin is enabled) value.

This change allows choosing the new "None" option, in case you don't want to use any Maps/Location services on your site.

Joomla classifieds script map provider

'Subcategories List's Header' New Option

The option previously available for regions is now available also for categories.

Both regions and categories also gained a 'Apply to whole level' checkbox, to quickly set the needed text for all categories of the same level.

dj-classifieds subcategories lists

Routing Improvements

The component's router has been partly rewritten, improving routing for some views, and resolving any problems happening if there are no menu items created for the corresponding menu items.

The advert front-end Edit page's URL structure e.g. is now "/additem/24" instead of "/additem?id=24".

The routing changes can also be noticed in terms of the Search module and choosing the best category/region page to redirect for showing the search results.

PHP 8.1 Support

Changes across the components, modules, and plugins have been made, to provide compatibility with the latest version of PHP.

[[payment_date]] Email Template Tag

The new [[payment_date]] tag is available in all email templates supporting payment data.

dj-classifieds payment date email template tag

Admin Profiles New Batch Options

The "batch" option of the admin profiles page has gotten the new "Remove from User Group" and "Set Profile Field Group" options.

dj-classifieds batch process

Subscription Plans: 'One Active Plan' Option

The additional Subscription Plans plugin has now an option to allow users to have only one active plan at a time.

joomla classifieds script subscription plans

Coupons: Option to Choose Enabled Payment Type

The additional Coupons plugin can now be enabled for specific payment types.

dj-classifieds coupons

Files Attachments: Option to Show in Registration

The additional Files attachments plugin can now be enabled on the registration page.

dj-classifieds files attachments

Other Features

This update also brings a bunch of other improvements and bug fixes.

You can check the full changelog here:

  • 'Use in word search' field param
  • field 'sortable' option
  • 'Search placeholder' field param
  • 'Search by whole words only' param
  • 'Map Provider' param disabled support
  • 'Subcategories list's header' new param
  • Subreg. header text 'Apply to whole level' param
  • default profile image changed to SVG
  • routing improvements
  • [[payment_date]] email template tag
  • admin profiles new batch options
  • user group restriction in profile field groups
  • added form field placeholders
  • get plans menu item without plans restr. first
  • Leaflet: admin marker drag support
  • hiding plugin-specific email templates if disabled
  • Search module: using en-GB lang file as a fallback
  • loading dependency classes in lib files
  • date_sort update after item payment
  • admin profiles column names length decreased
  • closing bids of expired/deleted items
  • removing old uppercase plugins on install
  • plans view redirect if the plans plugin is disabled
  • admin category 'Save as Copy' button added
  • admin categories list category image display
  • cat/reg names lang const support
  • cattree/regtree 'no results' text display
  • removing cat/reg search URL var
  • payment plugins action URL routing change
  • no results' text on the payment methods list
  • empty coupon code submit error show
  • admin fields 'Apply ordering to cat.' always shown
  • orders history contact modal default title
  • items rwd table columns title attribute added
  • admin fields ordering note
  • admin fields batch option last
  • admin profiles clear data buttons changed to one
  • 'Optimize thumbs' improvements
  • delete advert confirmation change
  • archive advert confirmation change
  • admin regions/categories layout improvement
  • admin user points JSON description edit support
  • admin lists profile linking improvements
  • admin option to recreate images for all profiles
  • admin lists default ordering change
  • Regions module: moduleclass_sfx support
  • bank transfer info and other types of ID label change
  • admin item edit buy now/auctions tabs hide/show
  • admin fields type/in search filters
  • admin item edit page guest token display
  • payment page type class in wrappers
  • admin lists improvements
  • curl functions check on geolocation
  • user plan option to reset checked/notified flags
  • blog djcf_after_content plugin position moved
  • J! user edit link in admin profile page
  • Search module online layout
  • admin field link scheme telegram suggestion added
  • Leaflet: improved geolocation with postcode
  • Leaflet: not displaying coordinates in profile
  • Leaflet: street prefix geolocation improvement
  • styling improvements
  • lang improvements
  • missing date_renew column update error FIX
  • search module: submit after geolocation FIX
  • setting default values for checkbox fields FIX
  • loading default values in edit forms FIX
  • admin user sub. plans unlimited ads display FIX
  • ask form custom fields undefined warning FIX
  • Regions module: non-object notice FIX
  • setError() deprecated FIXES
  • admin empty profile notices FIXES
  • user items undefined index notice FIX
  • admin item edit Google map marker move FIX
  • profile-edit image name save FIX
  • profile image watermark on profile edit FIX
  • images re-ordering FIX
  • Files: files re-ordering FIX
  • Search module: autocomplete box max width FIX
  • admin list views saving ordering in state FIXES
  • displaying 3rd party avatar on profiles list FIX
  • abuse reports admin email send FIX
  • j4 admin profiles list image display FIX
  • add item region required FIX
  • admin category check/uncheck all custom fields FIX
  • Conditional fields: admin saving list values FIX
  • orders list pagination count FIX
  • maps deprecated warnings FIX
  • html special chars with null deprecated warning FIX
  • add item price tooltip icon with buy now FIX
  • deprecated warnings FIXES
  • Regions module: manifest file version FIX
  • plans menu item XML form file error FIX
  • profile-edit cancel link redirect FIX
  • item amp page plugin enabled check FIX
  • registration error redirect SEO FIX
  • maps size improvements
  • PHP 8.1.x deprecated FIXES
  • profile-edit save redirect FIX
  • items region list sorting FIX
  • resetting admin field subtype FIX
  • Hide adult ads on all adverts list FIX
  • posting in cat. not allowed edit redirect FIX
  •  user items block/activate route FIX
  • shipping plugin item view styling FIX
  • orders history modal default theme styling FIX
  • admin item promotions exp. date header display FIX
  •  j4 registration enabled config param FIX
  • search results on forced blog layout sort FIX
  • j4 ghost ad layout FIXES
  • admin lists display price FIXES
  • admin licence simplexml_load_file() warning FIX
  • admin field input_type store if not needed FIX
  • items table default image tooltip FIX
  • profile-edit/registration save warning FIX
  • 'new advert' title in guest edit page FIX
  • guest item save FIX
  • PayPal flagging payment as completed FIX
  • j4 free plan activation FIX
  • Search module custom fields disabled js error FIX
  • image uploader Unexpected token '' FIX
  • Authorize.net: fail payment redirect SEO FIX
  • Authorize.net: PHP 8.0 SDK update

What is DJ-Classifieds?

DJ-Classifieds is a complete Joomla classified ads solution / Classifieds script, including all you need to build successful classified ads or listing pages.

It's also one of the most advanced and easy-to-use classifieds extensions for Joomla, offering so many options out of the box.

More information