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New to DJ-Extensions?
dj-classifieds version 3.7.3
26 November, 2021
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The best classifieds script for Joomla!

New Version of DJ-Classifieds Released

26 November, 2021

You can now download and start using DJ-Classifieds version 3.7.3. The new version brings new features (compared to version 3.7.3 RC) including GDPR component integration.

What was Added Since Version 3.7.3 RC?

DPR Component From Store Extensions Integration

The newly added feature is the GDPR component integration plugin that will let you store DJ-Classifieds consents in the mentioned extension.

Video Guide About the New Features

It was a quick video I have recorded. Check it out below. Hope you like it :)

You can check the demo of the user profiles list here: 

Import to DJ-Classifieds!

Recently we have also released the DJ-Classifieds-Importer component that lets you easily map and import XML to DJ-Classifieds.

After some time it is around we can confirm that users are using it successfully. I encourage you to check it out if you want to feed your classified ads or listing page with fresh new content.

List of Noticeable New Features

(this part was initially published in the 3.7.3 RC blog post, but the content was moved here so everything important can be found in one place)

DJ-Classifieds Extension Brings GDPR Compliance to Joomla Websites

Now you can provide a new checkbox with the Policy Privacy.

GDPR checkbox DJ-Classifieds

The second checkbox has the data protection agreement regarding GDPR.

Data protection agreement GDPR

When enabling the field "Data protection agreement (GDPR)" you can provide your field description or leave it blank and base it on the label COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_GDPR_AGREEMENT_LABEL which can be translated via overrides.

In the advert creation form now you can have 3 checkboxes available:

  • "Terms and Conditions"
  • "Privacy Policy"
  • "Data protection agreement"
checkboxes in advert creation

New Fields are added also to:

Registration Page

registration page

Ask Seller Form

ask seller form

Abuse Report

abuse report

Payment for Points, Adverts, and Promotions

GDPR payment details

Other New Features in DJ-Classifieds 3.7.3

New Profiles List View with Search Module

There is now the possibility to display a list of DJ-Classifieds user's profiles.

dj-classifieds users profiles
dj-classifieds users profiles example

Also, we provide a new DJ-Classifieds Profiles Search module which allows you to search not only via Profile name but also location or Profile custom fields.

dj-classifieds profiles search

Show Archive Adverts

There is now the possibility to display archived adverts in the adverts list and search.

display archive ads

Profile Type in Registration Link

Now you can select custom field groups in the menu item of the DJ-Classifieds Registration view.

dj-classifieds user registration

Then on the front view account type field is missing forcing user to choose the profile:

account type in profile

Once selected fields from preselected values are displayed:

paypal emial in profile

Possibility to Send Sender Copy of the Message from Ask Seller Form

ask seller copy to sender

Ordering in DJ-Classifieds Items Module

New sort option in the DJ-Classifieds Items module which allows sorting via days left in the promotion "special".

promoyion special days

Other New Features

  • Displaying in user adverts view Images from the category when there is no image
  • Possibility to restrict "Ask Seller Form" via Subscription Plans
  • Possibility to add and delete from Favourites in module DJ-Classifieds Items
  • During advert creation when only numbers are available in price then automatic coma deleting from price field

The Latest DJ-Classifieds Updates Bring Some Fixes

  • Resolved problem with redirections after advert creation
  • Resolved problem with preview while advert was edited by administrator
  • Resolved problem with promotion days restriction after changing the category
  • Resolved problem with RTL table title
  • Resolved problem with displaying empty elements in multicategories plugin
  • Resolved problem with missing durations to categories assignment in renew advert process