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120+ changes in major DJ-Classifieds 3.7.8 update
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120+ changes in major DJ-Classifieds 3.7.8 update

26 November, 2021

We are proud that we can present you with the next version of DJ-Classifieds which brings many new interesting features and a huge number of various improvements and fixes.
The article is divided into two parts - for frontend and backend. With this update, we have also created and updated 24 articles!

Check also all Add-ons we have updated with the release of DJ-Classifieds 3.7.8. Learn more what changed in the article: DJ-Classifieds Add-ons updates

Let's see new features that will be visible on the front of your site along with the new version of DJ-Classifieds:

3 standard sizes of adverts images

We have made the settings related to the sizes of the images more flexible. You can now easily assign a given image size to a specific view.

Learn how to manage image sizes in DJ-Classifieds

Leaflet: OSMaps driving directions, advert's coordinates, map info

This was the last missing feature in the integration of OpenStreetMaps with DJ-Classifieds. We have added support for driving directions and displayed ad's geographical coordinates with map info, so now you can fully use OpenStreetMaps instead of Google Maps if you prefer.

Click the link below to check the new article about using OpenStreetMaps with DJ-Classifieds.

Using OpenStreetMaps in DJ-Classifieds

User can now add the location to the profile during registration (the registration form)

Now during registration, the user can fill in the location data, which will later be auto-completed when adding an advertisement.

Learn more about the registration plugin for DJ-Classifieds

Adverts limit for the category

This new feature brings better control over the submitted adverts.

We have added a new parameter to the category view in the administration panel, which allows you to set a limit on the number of ads a user can add to the category.

Learn how do access restrictions for categories work

Website & Postcode profile fields as default value

Profile extra fields values can be assigned to the default values of the core fields: website & postcode. This way, when submitting an ad, these fields will be auto-completed with values that were filled during registration or editing a user's profile.

Remember user's details when submitting a new advert

Ads per page' in lists menu item's params

Earlier, you could only set the number of ads per page globally, from now on you can set it for the Category Blog/Table menu items directly.

Displaying the DJ-Classifieds on website

'Access expired' new parameter

The new parameter allows specifying the number of days for which the expired advertisement should be available from the direct URL. Expired ads will not appear on the list of ads.

Learn how to deal with expired ads

Redirect to the login page on item's forms

If the Ask Seller and Abuse forms are available for registered users only then an alert with buttons will appear: Ok” to redirect to the login page, “Cancel” to close the alert.

Profiles Search: added 'Account type' filter

The new option allows filtering user profiles by account type. Read more about configuring account types in DJ-Classifieds.

How to set field groups for custom fields in the registration

Moved terms, policy and GDPR checkboxes to the end of the Add item form

We have improved user experience in the Add Item view by moving all consent checkboxes just above the buttons at the bottom of the page.

Items module new 'User Groups' parameter

The new "User Groups" parameter allows you to select the user groups from which you want to display ads in the module. This is another addition to the super-powerful Items module, that lets you filter and display the adverts in a way you need.

Learn more about the DJ-Classifieds Items module

Showing the item's full categories list in User Items view

This option is useful for those using the Multi categories App. Now, apart from the main category, all additional categories are displayed in the User Items view.

Advert payment details in admin payments view

From now on, the payment list displays detailed information about the processed payment, e.g. category, duration, type, promotion.

Item's default category picture in 'og:image' tag

This SEO enhancement allows the "og:image" tag to be displayed using the default category image in case the ad was added without any image.

Warning message if no range search filter provided

If you use the range field for the address or postcode in the search module, it is ignored if you do not set any value. In this situation, a warning message will appear informing you of this.

Add item address/places placeholder support

We have added the placeholder: COM_DJCLASSIFIEDS_ADDRESS_PLACES_PLACEHOLDER, so you can easily translate the default text in the address/places input.

New [[advert_category_path]] email tag

The email tag can be used to display the category path of the item in an email template.

Learn more about E-mail tags in DJ-Classifieds

Let's see what improvements in the admin panel you will find in the new version of DJ-Classifieds:

Admin Categories, Items & Profiles batch options

We have significantly improved the management of categories, items and user profiles in the administration panel.

Now, you can easily batch change category and author of selected items or parent category of selected categories.

It is also possible to batch verify or change user groups for selected users as well as send emails to them.

Learn how the batch processing works

Admin categories pagination & new subcategory filter

Improved category management in the administration panel. We have added pagination to the category list and enabled filtering by subcategories.

'Expired ads auto delete' new parameter

If you’re struggling with a large number of adverts, automation comes for help.

Now the administrator can set the time to store the expired adverts in DJ-Classifieds. The new parameter allows you to delete expired ads automatically after a certain number of days of expiration.

Learn how to deal with expired ads

Added 'Blocked' admin items filter

We have added an icon to distinguish blocked ads from others in the items view of the administration panel. You can also easily filter blocked ads.

Added 'Verified' admin profiles filter

We have added an icon to distinguish verified users from others in the user profiles view of the administration panel. You can also easily filter verified users.

Added 'With attachment' admin profiles filter

Added an icon to distinguish users with an attachment from others in the user profiles view of the administration panel. You can also easily filter users with attachments.

Admin button for clearing inactive profile data

Added a new button to clear inactive profiles from the User Profiles view in the administration panel. An inactive profile is a profile that does no longer exists in Joomla Users section.

Showing the category path in the admin items list

90+ Fixes

The new features are not all we have been working on. With this release, you will also find over 90 fixes that were applied for DJ-Classifieds.

Visit the changelog to see the complete list of new features and fixes.

With this update, we have published a few new and updated several articles related to DJ-Classifieds.

New articles:


More about this update

Get DJ-Classifieds - starting from $67

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